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And im getting used to it.
I have 95% done on vogz... Second Part, just sounds and bullets and effetcs left, Started on his Third Part, Scroll Down For Screeny.
Anyone Play Wow? I Know It Might Be Gettin A Bit Old, But I Still Like It.
Soah... Got 4 Parts Dun For Clat, Almost 2 For Vogz, And... Well Im Remaking All Parts To Zaracam's Collab. And TTA's Dead, Iunno If Im Gonna Join Gabriel Barsch's Madness Ultimate Collab 5 Since Immah Buzeh.
Gonna Start On Drawings For Madness Art Collab 10'
Read This Then Gtfo >:3
P.S. Luk At This Awesome Shit Clat Made, I Luv it.
Auto Shotgun Test ( First Try )
EDIT: Started Zaracams First And Second Part, Kill The phonies... KILL THE PHONIES!!!
EDIT: New Banner, F5 or else you will... Die. Also, A PART WITH MY SPRITES MFKA!!!!!
saw the clip, just amazing.
Thank You c: