I lov being 2nd :p
Dont you poo, im warnin' you, there's a shoe, and you will not Boo.
Being Awesome
Stork skolan
Blentarp (Sweden)
Joined on 12/29/09
I lov being 2nd :p
No you dont.
Well there still be a third comment you know...
No Fourth -: Competition Closed:-.
i guess
hey dude do you know krinkels is making a madness combat game for the xbox 360
ofcourse i do.
Mac-10 ftw
Post successful
Iconic-Stemage ftw
Comment Successful
I dont like maths, it makes me hungry :/
same here bro.
OMG LOOK! The cute people have large weapons!!!
Not really...
yes i know they are small but its because i didnt change the size nothing else i can do with this program but make pictures :'(
no ones writes my name on the walls, thats sad !
well i dont really know you, we havent even talked in msn or pm's.
Oh, another Swed. Cool.
That was actually pretty nice of you for spending a piece of your post on your cat, RIP Flickan.
wanna join my collab
i was actually looking forward that u said anything about my post, but im afraid i cannot join.
Sorry to hear it mate D:.
What happened has happened, we can't change it. Don't be so sad. (I also understand how you exactly feel because same thing happened to me once).
thanks, it happens to everyone.
Epic story about ur cat, it almost made me cry
well thanks.
madnes got fun!!!
Damn bro sry to here about the cat, I'm more of a dog person but same goes for any pet dying,
thanks, and i hope there wont be anymore tragedys.
is that a cat on the steps with the boy?
hahaha no first comment awards for any1 of you!!